Fulfilling Relationships WORKSHOP – Venice, Italy – 26th May

We are born in relationship, we are wounded in relationship, and we can be healed in relationship. – Harville Hendrix

A romantic relationship is the most intimate place in which we live our daily lives. All our emotional wounds that we created ourselves during our lifetime are brought to light here. In this sacred place we can face our beliefs, our fears and the limits we created, we can recognize the programs and patterns we grew up with and we can heal and change them. But in order to heal them, we need to be aware of them.

For most couples, in their first years of their relationship everything is positive, full of joy and enthusiasm. But after two or three years, the glowing of love starts to fade. Couples begin to lose their intimacy, their openness and in some cases even their love for each other.

Our intention in this workshop is to point out the differences between a conscious and an unconscious relationship, so that couples can choose to transform their relationship into a fulfilling one.

Would you like to bring back the intimacy and trust in your relationship?
Do you have a romantic relationship pattern that doesn’t serve you anymore?
Are you confused by your emotional reactions or your partner’s?
Do you want to learn how to communicate with your partner in order to be heard and listened to?
Do you want to start a mature and fulfilling relationship free from all the drama and emotional suffering?
Would you like to always be happy, alive and free to be You?

Join us in this 6 hours long workshop, so you can learn how to create that kind of romantic relationship you always dreamed of.

What do you have to gain from this workshop?

– You will understand how emotional wounds are being created, how we manifest them, how we can become aware and heal them;
– You will learn and experiment a few powerful reconnecting exercises not only for couples, but for every type of relationships;
– You will learn how to communicate in an assertive way, so that your partner will understand how you feel;
– You will learn how to listen to your partner and how to have a meaningful dialogue;
– You will become aware of some of your own emotional wounds and understand why you behave in a certain way;
– You will start the healing process along with your partner;
– You will have a different view of what a relationship can be like and start working towards a conscious partnership.

You are welcome to come on your own or with your partner!

The workshop will be held in english.

Your investment is 100€ per person and 170 € per couple.

You will be guided by Raluca and Daniel Rusu, relationship coaches and personal development trainers.

As a couple, Raluca and Daniel are living and breathing conscious relating and loving intimacy in a profound, committed and soul awakening way. They have been working together for years accompanying and guiding couples and families on their journey to fulfillment and happiness.

They created the site www.jurnaldecuplu.com. ”Jurnal de cuplu” means “A Couple’s Diary”. On this site they publish useful articles for the couples that want more from their romantic relationship.
More about Raluca: http://ralucarusu.wixsite.com/ralucarusu-en
More about Daniel: http://danielrusucoaching.wixsite.com/danielrusu

The exact location will be sent only to the registered participants via mail.

In order to register please fill up the form:

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